Kali Linux is one of the most popular Operating System(OS) used for ethical hacking and cyber security purposes. In this Tutorial, we are going to install This operating system on our Little OrangePI ZERO 2W, shortly known as OPI Zero 2W. Requirements For Installing Kali Linux on OPI ZERO 2W, you may need the following things. A Linux Operating System (Arch Linux in this Case) A SDcard, Size >= 16GB (32 Gigabytes in this Case) A SDcard Reader An OrangePi ZERO 2W, Obviously :) Step #1 First of all, we need to flash the kali linux operating system into the SDcard. For that, open this Github repository provided on official OrangePI website. The Above ScreenShot shows the different ISO files, for different versions of OrangePI, but for our device, we are going to download the last one which is a minimal version of Kali Linux for OPI ZERO 2W. Download it by clicking this . Step #2 After you download the ISO file, you will see a file named kali-linux-2024.2-opizero2w-mini...
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